Lex Scripta Magazine of Law and Policy

Open Access | Fully Referred | Peer Reviewed

Lex Scripta Magazine of Law and Policy (ISSN : 2583-8725) is an Online quarterly magazine which is Peer Review, Academic, published online, that seeks to provide an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles and Long Articles. Lex Scripta commenced in 2023. It is a brand-new platform for students to conduct and engage in legal research and to contemplate upon burning legal issues and allied disciplines. This platform is an opportunity for legal enthusiasts to come up with contemporary legal research. It aims at engaging a wider community of readers and practitioners and to keep them updated with the recent developments in the government policies and the new statute as well as enacted laws coming into existence.

Lex Scripta Magazine of Law and Policy relies on the academic contributions by its authors with an aim of encouraging more readers to participate in return of more views. We aspire to provide a healthy environment for learning and growing. We pay regards to our constant supporters and readers and humbly request them to sustain the support and provide honest feedback so that there is always enough room for improvements as this would in turn aid us to remain steadfast in the path we have chosen.

Theme- Any topic related to Law & Policy

Language- English only

Subject Cover - Law


  • Word limit: 2000 - 2500 words (exclusive of citations).
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Garamond and the font size should be 12.
  • The line spacing 1.5.
  • The footnotes should be in Garamond, font size 10 and line spacing 1.
  • The citations must conform to the OSCOLA style of citations, 4th edition.
  • No hyperlinks are allowed.
  • The piece should not contain any reference to the author, including their names and institutional affiliations.
  • Articles displaying high levels of plagiarism are liable for summary rejection.
  • Any failure to adhere to submission guidelines may result in rejection of the submission.
  • Please find the detailed formatting guide.


Other Guidelines

Plagiarism Policy

                                    The Lex Scripta Magazine of law and policy is committed to upholding the integrity of academic process and encourage original research and writing. Accordingly, it adopts binding editorial safeguards to ensure that no plagiarized material shall be published in the issue. The Lex Scripta Magazine adopts integral editorial standards where submissions are pre-screened by the use of industry-standard software, aided by human intervention to assess the nature of similarity indicate by the software, whether incidental or substantive. Articles displaying high levels of similarity are thus accountable to summary rejection in accordance with the extant guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission. Authors may be advised accordingly, and ensure that the submissions returned by the Editorial board indicating concerns about the content and proposed suggestions are complied with. Non-compliance with the plagiarism policy or the editorial board’s objections may result in rejection of the submission. The Editorial Board, accordingly requests the authors to cooperate with them during the review process.

Review Policy

                               The Lex Scripta Magazine adopts a blind review process. Hence, submissions containing references to the identity of the authors in the body of the manuscript are liable to rejection. Authors must provide their personal details and a passport-size photo in the body of the email, enclosing the submission as in word format attachment. The Lex Scripta Magazine reserves its right not to disclose the reasons for acceptance/rejection of a given submission to the authors. The final date for submission to feature an article in the next issue is provided in the Call-for-Papers issued by the Magazine from time to time. However, the Lex Scripta Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis, whereby articles submitted post the deadline for a given issue shall nevertheless be considered for review in the subsequent issues, subject to the authors providing their consent for the same.

The time taken for review of an Issue ranges between four to six weeks after the expiry of the deadline. While the Editorial Board makes its best attempts to ensure a constant frequency of publication, the review process may be delayed on account of extraneous circumstances. The Editorial Board shall ensure the timely intimation of such delays at which stage the cooperation of the authors shall be highly valued. A manuscript under review shall not be submitted to another publication pending the outcome of the editing process.

Once accepted, the manuscript shall become a part of the Lex Scripta Magazine’s intellectual property. In case of citations involving unpublished research, it is assumed that the Author had obtained the necessary permissions from the authors of the concerned unpublished sources. Any liability arising in this regard shall be borne solely by the Author and the Magazine assumes no burden for the same.



This Magazine focuses on quality work, having no plagiarism policy to promote original content work of the authors.


This Magazine has auto-submission process for submitting the manuscript or the article.


  • Free of Cost separate e-certificate assigned to each Author.
  • Indexed at 10+ Databases.
  • We are highly reputed for authentic and qualitative research work.
  • Quick & easy paper publication process.
  • Very Quick Support team.
  • Extensive and Experienced Editorial and Reviewer board.
  • Minimum possible Article Processing Charges with best Services.
  • Review Results within 2-3 days.
  • Most Articles rank at TOP in Google, hence increased visibility and recognition.

