Any fully democratic society's legal framework must have the equality doctrine as a vital component. Between equality and non-discrimination, which is likewise a universally acknowledged truth, is a corollary.
One of the major contemporary challenges faced by the maritime industry is the rising rate of piracy and armed robbery as two of these phenomena have built up a global impact on the seafaring trade with its securities.
India is a developing nation which has much developed in this long run but with the passage of time there is a rapid growing rate of violence with regard of grave issues like terrorism, piracy as well as drug trafficking which has eventually grown in Indian Ocean Region (IOR).
South Asia is one of the most admired places in the world as it is much praised for its rich culture heritage with its divine nature but on the other hand it is also known for its rising rate of human trafficking.
The hate speech ,speech or expression that denigrates a person or persons on the basis of alleged membership in a social group identified by attributes such as race ethnicity ,gender, sexual orientation , religion......
In the entire world South Asia is one of the regions which experience maximum climate change. Due to its high temperature, plus utmost weather conditions, the rising and declining levels of the sea, any continuously rising cyclonic activities are the primary reason for the rise in the flood structure which occurs in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
Several of the busiest fishing grounds and shipping channels in the world are found in the Indian Ocean, which connects The Middle East, East Africa, and South Asia.